Dumpster Rentals | Royal Rolloffs, Buckner MO


30 Yard Dumpster (27.5 Yards)

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If the weight of the contents inside the dumpster exceeds our disposal limit, then there is an extra charge of $60 per ton added to your invoice. Please let us know if you are loading heavy debris such as; concrete, brick, dirt, rock, sand, roofing, or plaster/stucco.
To avoid any overweight charges, only load the container 1/2 full if you are loading any of these items.


RENTAL POLICY:  7 day rental is included/$20 per day after included time.

All dumpsters have an initial rental period for use that is included with each order. If a dumpster exceeds the initial rental time period, an additional $20 will incur per day. To avoid any rental charges, please call to have the dumpster removed on or before the end of the rental time.  If you are concerned about exceeding the rental period and being charged, then we suggest a few things prior to ordering to take into consideration, such as, stockpiling as much debris as possible.



All items that are on the Do Not Take list if disposed of will incur an additional disposal fee.  If driver needs to move contents to get below the Max Fill line there will be an additional $100 Fee.



After hours fee will be any time after 5:00 PM - 7:00 AM and all day Saturday and Sunday!  The after hours fee is $100 to have a dumpster set or picked up at these times.

Frequently Asked Questions

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